
Mass Mentality

I recently came across this documentary which depicted how mass consumerism was consciously introduced in the American society. I saw how the American economy was transferred from a need based system to a desire based system. How ownership of cars was projected as a depiction of male sexuality and how female smoking was consciously projected as a voice again male chauvinism. For a second I thought, god, how idiotic, I am sure the public will be able to see through it all. Well, what do you know, American society today is as materialistically crass as the latest charitable publicity stunt of all those hollywood celebrities and the modern Indian society is following like a faithful dog. It was so sad that I could not watch the full documentary. I hardly hate anyone more than those who refuse to think rationally, build a set a beliefs and have an informed opinion. Looking at the present scenario, I am led to believe that 95% of the human population hardly uses its rational powers, which is another way of saying that 95% of the population is foolish. Not inherently foolish. Just affectedly foolish. Foolish because they do not want to take the pains of rational thinking. Rational thinking - something that differentiates us from animals and jellyfishes and trees and furniture. Good job humanity. It seems that we have come a full circle of evolution.

To all those who buy into the above set of value (or the lack thereof), just some advices so that they can start using their brains for things it was originally meant to do :

- If you think that cigarettes or cars or hard drinks or meat filled burgers accenuate your male sexuality and ego, please be aware that you have a miniscule personality to build upon anyways. If I can pass it off without hurting your ego too much (which I hope to do), you lack the strength of character. The rest of it is just smoke filled partyhouse crap.

- If you think that smoking symbolizes a stance against male dominance, you will be surprised to hear that well, it does not. It was a gimmick started 80 years ago so that 50% of the world population can be addicted to it. I respect women's right for equality (my opinion doesn't matter anyways) but please do not play into the hands of the corporations for attaining it. There is no point trying to look like the plastic faced, personality less, dumb headed celebrities which seem to be pottering every nook and corner of every TV channel and magazine and newspaper. The fact that those ladies do not have anything else to gain respect from except their looks and apparel doesn't mean that you also need to give up intellect and grace for gaining it.

- If you think that you child will feel out of place if he does not has the latest technological gadget or bike or fancy dress or for god's sake english language, you probably belong to points 1 or 2 yourself. Now that you have screwed up most of your life anyways, its time to hammer in some brains into that little brat of yours. Why not try building some self respect in him ? You can either do it by patiently talking to him or if he is too spoilt for that, try giving him a regular dose of lets just say, not so friendly pat on the backs (Seriously, I believe in 'Spare the rod........').

- And if you think that those ads which advertise great tasting dog food really have figured out the culinary likes of your pet, you need to go to an asylum. No, on second thoughts, you should be kept in a museum just to depict how close man got to get intellectually confused with a chimpanzee.

Please, please, think. Don't follow what others are doing without giving it a thought. Spare some time and brains on figuring out why you believe in the things you believe in. Otherwise there is not much difference between a human and a lump of rotting garbage. If you give that lump a shape, the ability to walk, and the ability to talk incessantly, I guess you won't be able to make out the difference.

Well, who am I kidding. 95% of the population thinks I am a nutcase :).


Nitin Gupta said...

"bhaens ke aage been bajao, bhaens khadi itraye".. your article may just be another "been"..

Anurup K.T said...

And the spark of evolution was lit eons back. But dont you think that the current state of human mind in itself was a evolution ? We did not come into this world thinking that cars/bikes/gizmo's are a barometer for masculinity. Since birth out thought process evolves and whatever path it may take its still evolution.
But then if this evolution in itself is geared to cause the end of rational thought then there has to be a method in this madness too :).

None said...

@ankit: Why is it that we all seem to share the same ideas but then, there is a world out there which doesn't?

Amit said...

Each of us live in our own levels of truth and most of the time each one of us think that what we are thinking is the most rational thing to do. You, me and others are no exception!

Again and again you go back to the futility of the stupid advertisment but then the advertisers do know the effectiveness of those stupid ads who which they spend tons of money only to get a handsome return from it. I saw a seinfeld's show a few days ago where he talks about the cola advertisment. It was incredibly funny. you should watch that episode!

Ankit said...

@Nitin : I am well aware of that :)

@Anurup: Well I would not agree with you completely but in a sense you are right. In every age, some creative minds have controlled or ruled the masses. They were the ones making the laws and general people just followed. In a certain way, it is essential for the growth and stability of any society that their masses do not 'think' a lot. Intellectual pursuit on as big a scale as the entire human population will render too much instability in the society and utimately prove to be its Achilles heel. But what irks me particularly with this society is how much importance is given to superficial pursuits especially vanity. Nevertheless, its just me. I know that I too am a part of it and I can not tell you how much I hate myself for it.

@Aabeirah: Exactly because they do not think or rather choose not too. You see, its an easy life and certainly a happier one. But it pains me a lot nevertheless.

@Amitesh: I am not denying that the advertisers know their stuff. They sure do know how to milk the cow. I am just mad at how easy the general masses have made it out for them. They could as well have went to their doors and emptied out their purses in their collection boxes. What makes me go nuts is how easily the masses let these advertisers make fool of themselves. I only expect a bit more fight from them. You know, some respect for human intelligence. Even if they are so foolish, they sure do not have to have it tattoed on their forehead!

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Like a particularly notorious child's tantrums, a mountaneous river's intemperance, a volcano's reckless carelessness and the dreamy eyes of a caged bird, imagination tries to fly unfettered. Hesitant as she takes those first steps, she sculpts those ambitious yet half baked earthen pots.